If you’ve had your website for a while, there’s probably a pile of old content on your site. While building our content strategy, we should consider how to improve our old content’s SEO rankings. It’s a common problem: plenty of old posts never ranked in the top positions because of their age.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be surprised how much your traffic improves by paying attention to your old content.

  1. Conduct Keyword Research

You should conduct keyword research on your old content. It lets you measure if your old keywords are still ranking or relevant, and if you need to refresh your keywords to suit the present time.

  1. Check Your Metadata

If you haven’t updated your post metadata in a while, now’s the time to go back and do it. A title tag and meta description are essential for search engine optimization. Make sure they’re up to date with current keywords and phrases.

  1. Update the Title Tag & Meta Description

Title tags and meta descriptions are critical elements of your page, so they’re worth tweaking.

  1. Update Anchor Texts

When you are linking between pages on your website (or blog), choose descriptive, user-friendly, and natural anchor text that describes what users will find when they click on a link. Consider using your primary keywords and other buyers’ language.

  1. Revitalize Old Content With Repurpose Content Tools

If you have a lot of old content, some tools can help you revitalize it. You can use them to create new versions of old articles or posts with updated information or new tips and tricks for your readers. It’s another way to keep your site fresh and relevant, and it provides additional value for users who may be searching for the same topic.


Old content doesn’t have to be thrown away. Most likely, they just need to be refreshed to suit your current goals or be relevant to today’s time. Since that’s the case, don’t be afraid to revisit, revise, or repurpose old content. When you improve your old content, you are also improving your SEO. 

Have plenty of old content that needs to be refreshed? Consult SEOfly, an SEO agency in Miami. We will help you improve your search rankings with a live dashboard where you can monitor your keywords. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you. 

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